====== External Community Guides ====== This section contains a list of guides from around the web that people have found useful when creating their homepage! Please link directly to individual guides rather than collections or resource sites! (In no particular order!) ===== General Web Knowledge ===== * [[https://brisray.com/web/linkrot.htm|Linkrot; What Is It + How To Avoid It]] * [[http://www.albion.com/netiquette/index.html|Netiquette - the do's and don'ts of online communication]] * [[https://32bit.cafe/forums101/|Web Forums 101]] * [[https://whiteheartrainbowsoul.neocities.org/web_revival_guide/glossary.html|Web Revival Glossary]] ===== Website Making Tutorials ===== * [[https://thoughts.melonking.net/guides/introduction-to-the-web-revival-3-make-a-website|Melon's Guide to HTML and CSS]] * [[https://thoughts.melonking.net/guides/introduction-to-the-web-revival-2-learn-about-websites|Melon's Overview of common website features]] * [[https://32bit.cafe/cyowebsite/|32-Bit Cafe's Basic Website overview]] * [[https://learn.sadgrl.online/absolute-beginners-guide-to-neocities/|Sadgrl's Neocities Beginners Guide]] * [[https://neocities.org/tutorials|The Neocities HTML course]] * [[https://soflynet.neocities.org/tutorial|Sofly's Beginner HTML Tutorial]] * [[https://brisray.com/web/basics.htm|BrisRay's Website Basics]] * [[https://flamedfury.com/guides/11ty-homepage-neocities/|fLaMEdFury's Create A Static Site Using 11ty & Deploy To Neocities Guide]] * [[https://32bit.cafe/interactingontheweb/|32-Bit Cafe's Interacting with Other Websites Guide]] * [[https://32bit.cafe/websiteideas/|Ideas for Your Personal Website]] * [[https://mkultra.monster/pages/webdev/|cmdr_nova's webdev guides]] ===== Website Resource and Asset-Making Tutorials ===== * NA ===== Technical Tips and Tricks ===== * [[https://lostletters.neocities.org/2022/11/02/jekyll|A Guide to Setting up Jekyll for Neocities for Complete Beginners]] * [[https://forum.melonland.net/index.php?topic=115.0|How to fix links on a frame site! - MK Frame-Link System]] * [[https://forum.melonland.net/index.php?topic=1246.0|Embed Final Fantasy XIV stats in your webpage!]] * [[https://forum.melonland.net/index.php?topic=353.0|Mac Users: Quick compressing images for the web with Automator]]