====== MelonLand Forum Help Center <3 ====== This is the forum help centre; a guide and a good place for all things help-related! * [[forum_community_guide|Community Guide]] - A guide for new forum members! (__Start here__) * [[proper_posting_guide|Proper Posting Guide]] - How to write good forum posts * [[bbcode|BBCode]] - Cheatsheet for frum BBCodes when making your posts! * [[forum_css|Profile CSS]] - Help and guides for custom styling your profile! ===== Have you lost your login details? ===== You can use the password reset page on the forum, however, if you have issues please email **webmaster@melonking.net**! ===== Why is the forum closed on Mondays? ===== The forum is closed on Mondays, you will be unable to access the forum on that day! This is partly to give everyone a break (especially moderators), but also to act as a reminder that it's not good to always be online and connected - it's good to step back and appreciate the time we have. If you send a message or make a post as the forum is closing the post won't be lost, it will be there when the forum reopens! The forum closes at Midnight UTC ([[swatch_time|@000]]) on Monday and opens again 24 hours later at @000 Tuesday! ===== Moderation and Forum Staff ===== If you are interested in getting info about staff or moderation on the forum check the links here! * [[forum_staff|Forum Staff]] - Who is a moderator on the forum and how are they appointed? * [[https://forum.melonland.net/index.php?topic=839.0|How to report issues?]] - A link to the forums issue reporting guide. * [[melonland_privacy_policy|MelonLand Privacy Policy]] If you have a more personal issue you can send a [[https://forum.melonland.net/index.php?action=pm;sa=send;u=1|pm to a staff member]]; if you have a more general issue you can open a discussion on the [[https://forum.melonland.net/index.php?board=1.0|Forum Discussion]] board! ===== More Help Links ===== The MelonLand forum runs on SMF (Simple Machines Forum) which is an OpenSource forum software; they have some great documentation on their wiki too, so please feel free to view their topics: * [[https://wiki.simplemachines.org/smf/Registering|Registering]] - Many forums require users to register to gain full access. * [[https://wiki.simplemachines.org/smf/Logging_In|Logging In]] - Once registered, users must login to access their account. * [[https://wiki.simplemachines.org/smf/Profile|Profile]] - Each member has their own personal profile. * [[https://wiki.simplemachines.org/smf/Search|Search]] - Searching is an extremely helpful tool for finding information in posts and topics. * [[https://wiki.simplemachines.org/smf/Posting|Posting]] - The whole point of a forum, posting allows users to express themselves. * [[https://wiki.simplemachines.org/smf/Bulletin_board_code|Bulletin Board Code (BBC)]] - Posts can be spiced up with a little BBC. * [[https://wiki.simplemachines.org/smf/Personal_messages|Personal Messages]] - Users can send personal messages to each other. * [[https://wiki.simplemachines.org/smf/Memberlist|Memberlist]] - The memberlist shows all the members of a forum.