====== Hacker Name Generator ====== **Hacker Name Generator**, **Get a Hacker Name**, or just **HACKER NAMES** is a page that turns a name into a, well, "Hacker Name". It can be found floating around in [[The Universe]], and can be viewed [[https://melonking.net/hidden/hacker|here]] {{ :screenshot_2024-12-12_at_09-29-15_hacker_names.png?400|}} The site depicts a background 1 fps gif of green text scrolling which seems to be [[ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C++|C++]], a green slimy text that says "**HACKER NAME GENERATOR**", below that is a sentence (colored in green) that says "Use the power of the world-wide-web to convert your name to an elite hacker handle (smug)", after that, a text box and button is shown below. Below all of that is some buttons, and a link to see the [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2600:_The_Hacker_Quarterly| 2600 Magazines]] which can also be viewed [[https://www.2600.com/|here]], on the very bottom the small text says "© I just stole this idea from facebook!" The song playing in the background is //Defy The Mall - Side entrance// ===== Usage ===== Type any name in the box and then click on the button that says "Make my name!" It will output a unique hacker name. {{ :screenshot_2024-12-12_at_09-45-59_hacker_names.png?400|}} For example, **Bill Gates** becomes **CyberBus**