====== Monster Interview ====== **Monster Interview**, a video found floating around in [[The Universe]]. It can be watched [[https://melonking.net/video/Interview-small.mp4|here]]. It is a 1 minutes and 54 seconds video. This video was filmed in 2008, and the project was abandoned for unknown reasons[("It was filmed around 2008 for a film we never finished ~ its actualy from the same tape the origonal melon footage is from." - Melon)]. ===== Transcript ===== ==== Start of transcript ==== Pirik[("The person interviewing me does actualy have a forum account, but I dont think he's ever used it: https://forum.melonland.net/index.php?action=profile;u=1242" - Melon)]: OK. What is this "monster" that you've been chasing? And what do you plan to do if you find this monster? Melon[("Well the person in the video is me {{:tongue.gif?nolink&30|}}" - Melon)]: Well you see, If I find the monster I'm gonna really stab em up like this, see this is a model we got. It's an old Mayan model you see. Pirik: Hold on, wait- hold it still- Melon: Two thousand years old. Pirik: Oop- Yep. Melon: And you see, When we get the monster... Pririk: mhm. Melon: I'm going to- You see? I'm gonna- this is a model, I'm gonna get a big knife, and I'm gonna do this. [very light stab] Pririk: Right, and what is that noise? Melon: That? Oh, that's Jimmy the fish[("I think it was Jimmy the Fish ??" - Melon)]. Pirik: OK. Um, Yes. and how do you plan to capture this? Melon: Well you see. We've devised this incredible method where while the monster is walking along the road, and a crocodile jumps out! Right? Pirik: mhm. Melon: and then, We drop a knife on his head. [trying to hold laughter] Pirik: OK. And what do you mean by "We"? Melon: Well we see, I devised a team Or at least, I haven't devise it, We've been setup a team, by the- by the bored of director's of people who like to know things about monsters, and there is a team of three good experts in this subject, that we are planning to to to [stutter]- to hunt down this monster and capture it. Pirik: OK. ...it's very odd... Melon: Yes. You see, He's gotta bow tie. Pirik: [mumbling] Melon: ...steals them from business men. Pirik: Right. Very important job isn't it, stealing bow ties. Melon: Yeah. Pirik: OK. What else would you plan to do? Melon: Well, what we'd like to do in this situation, when we capture it, and stick the knife in his head... Pirik: ... yes. Melon: ...we are then planning to put it on display at the //Royal Institute of Things That Ought to be Seen by People Who Don't Really Wanna See Them//. Pirik: OK. Thank you for this interview Daniel... Thank you. [snickers a little] Melon: Thank you indeed! ==== End of transcript ==== ====== Trivia ====== - If you look closely in the background, you can see melons first proper laptop; and still has (and wears) that jumper.[("You can see my first proper laptop in the background! And I still have (and wear) that wooly jumper!" - Melon)] - Unlike other movies floating around The Universe, this one has a video name! (As opposed to Movie 1, Movie 2, and Movie 3)