====== Movie 2 ====== Movie 2, Titled as "The Shop of Big Things" shown in the video. It is a stop motion consisting of random things. It can be found floating in [[The Universe]], and can be watched [[https://melonking.net/melon?z=/video/Shop-of-Big-Things-Supercut-Web.mp4|here]] Song Name: Unknown Under Construction ====== Depiction ====== The video starts off with a [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Test_card|TV test pattern]] for 3 seconds. After which it starts the song, and the displays a grayscale background with text that says "The Shop of Big Things", and in another font, "Blue fish supercut", It then transitions to a (turned off) lamp moving in different ways, then the camera moves to the left, then down, and then this... uh... weird machine thing i don't know what it is appears, turns does things... (i think melon knows what it is), looking closely we can see that there is a little guy crawling on top of it, then it transitions to a play-doe snake crawling on a table, on front of... what looks to be a computer monitor, curls into a circle. and turns into a person(?). the cursor comes down and we switched once more, The camera shakes alot and then