====== PlayGround ====== Hello! What's up? Abc 123 Abc 123 Abc 123 Abc 123 ====== Full CSS Selector Reference ====== Every CSS selector you could want for profile customization! ==== Theme Selectors. ==== These are the basic themes for the forum. * **#theme-melon** - The body id for the default theme * **#theme-dreamy** - The body id for the cinni dreamy theme * **#theme-news** - The body id for the newspaper theme (theme made for readability; please stay extra mindful of this) **Important Note:** It's highly recommended that you always use a theme selector for any of your other styles (for instance, using "//#theme-melon #wrapper//" instead of using "//#wrapper//"). Otherwise, setting any of the other selectors will affect all themes. ==== Page-wide Elements. ==== * **.smiley** - Every smiley on the page! (for instance, things like :ozwomp: or :eyes: ) ==== Background & Image Link Elements. ==== * **#shade** - The div id that holds [[https://forum.melonland.net/Themes/pimp-my-classic/images/rain.gif|the rain background gif]] * **#shade-2** - The div id that holds [[https://forum.melonland.net/Themes/pimp-my-classic/images/dust-clipart-cloud-smoke-12.png|the dust-cloud background image]] * **#shade-3** - The div id that holds [[https://forum.melonland.net/Themes/pimp-my-classic/images/starsky.gif|the blinking-stars background gif]] * **#bunting** - The div id that holds [[https://forum.melonland.net/Themes/pimp-my-classic/images/glowstars.gif|the 5-pointed-stars header gif]] * **#moon-link** - The id for the link at the top left, the one that looks like a weird banana spinning around * **#radio** - The id for the link at the top right, the one that looks like a radio * **#melonland-surf-club** - The object id for the Melonland Surf Club link; contains an embedded document, so your results may vary! ===== Advanced CSS Selectors. ===== You probably shouldn't have to mess with these ones! Many of them are super-specific or don't respond to a lot of the usual styles. If you do mess with them, it's recommended that you know what you're doing beforehand. **Important Note:** If you get locked out of your profile customization link because you went a little too wild with your CSS, then [[https://forum.melonland.net/index.php?action=profile;area=customized;|use this link to return to your profile-customization page]]! * **#wrapper** - The div id that holds ALL visible elements on the page * **#moon-link img** - The image selector for that weird banana at the top left. * **#radio img** - The image selector for the radio at the top right ==== Nav Bar Elements. ==== * **#melonland-surf-club + p** - The holster for the forum links at the top (Home, Entrance, Wiki, etc.) * **#melonland-surf-club + p a** - All individual forum links at the top * **#melonland-surf-club + p a:first-child** - "Home" link * **#melonland-surf-club + p a:first-child img** - "Home" link image * **#melonland-surf-club + p a:nth-child(2)** - "Entrance" link * **#melonland-surf-club + p a:nth-child(2) img** - "Entrance" link image * **#melonland-surf-club + p a:nth-child(3)** - "Wiki" link * **#melonland-surf-club + p a:nth-child(3) img** - "Wiki" link image * **#melonland-surf-club + p a:nth-child(4)** - "Search" link * **#melonland-surf-club + p a:nth-child(4) img** - "Search" link image * **#melonland-surf-club + p a:nth-child(5)** - "Profile" link * **#melonland-surf-club + p a:nth-child(5) img** - "Profile" link image * **#melonland-surf-club + p a:nth-child(6)** - "Logout" link * **#melonland-surf-club + p a:nth-child(6) img** - "Logout" link image ==== Info Bar Elements. ==== * **#melonland-surf-club + p + table** - The holster for the top info bar (with the forum logo image, time/date, forum activity rating & nav links, news bar, etc.) * **#melonland-surf-club + p + table tbody tr:first-child** - The first row for the top info bar (with the forum logo image, time && date, "messages" link, etc.) * **#melonland-surf-club + p + table tbody tr:first-child td:first-child** - The left half of the first row for the top info bar; holds the Melonland Forum logo * **#melonland-surf-club + p + table tbody tr:first-child td:first-child a img** - The Melonland Forum logo image * **#melonland-surf-club + p + table tbody tr:first-child td:nth-child(2)** - The right half of the first row for the top info bar; holds the time & date, "messages" link, etc. * **#melonland-surf-club + p + table tbody tr:first-child td:nth-child(2) a:first-of-type** - The "Messages" link **Note:** The second row here also has the class selector **.windowbg2**, so you may also alter its styles, at a class level, using that class selector. * **#melonland-surf-club + p + table tbody tr:nth-child(2)** - The second row for the top info bar (with the forum activity rating, links for "Unread Topics," "Unread Replies," etc.) * **#melonland-surf-club + p + table tbody tr:nth-child(2) td:first-child** - The left half of the second row for the top info bar; contains the forum activity rating * **#melonland-surf-club + p + table tbody tr:nth-child(2) td:first-child b** - The "Forum activity rating:" and "Posts" text * **#melonland-surf-club + p + table tbody tr:nth-child(2) td:first-child img** - The stars image for the forum activity rating * **#melonland-surf-club + p + table tbody tr:nth-child(2) td:nth-child(2)** - The right half of the second row for the top info bar; contains links for "Unread Topics," "Unread Replies," etc. * **#melonland-surf-club + p + table tbody tr:nth-child(2) td:nth-child(2) a:first-child** - The "Unread Topics" link * **#melonland-surf-club + p + table tbody tr:nth-child(2) td:nth-child(2) a:nth-child(2)** - The "Unread Replies" link * **#melonland-surf-club + p + table tbody tr:nth-child(2) td:nth-child(2) a:nth-child(3)** - The "Own Posts" link * **#melonland-surf-club + p + table tbody tr:nth-child(2) td:nth-child(2) a:nth-child(4)** - The "Own Topics" link * **#melonland-surf-club + p + table tbody tr:nth-child(2) td:nth-child(2) a:nth-child(5)** - The "Recent Posts" link **Note:** The third row here also has the class selector **.windowbg**, so you may also alter its styles, at a class level, using that class selector. * **#melonland-surf-club + p + table tbody tr:nth-child(3)** - The third row for the top info bar (with the news bar) * **#melonland-surf-club + p + table tbody tr:nth-child(3) td** - The news bar * **#melonland-surf-club + p + table tbody tr:nth-child(3) td b** - The "News:" text on the news bar INVISIBLE-ELEMENT SELECTORS (don't use these names): #melon-params #top