====== Responding to threats of harm====== Under Construction. ==== If you feel you may physically harm yourself or others ==== Please, stop. Instead, [[https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Mental_health_resources|Click here for a list of mental health resources]] You can still access & report profiles even if the melonland forums are closed on mondays. **If you see a threat of physical harm** **1.** Treat all claims seriously. - Many threats are empty. but if you believe that that moderators aren't aware, click on report the claims to the Melonland staff, by clicking on the users profile, then under the Actions, Click on Report Profile. Please explain exactly what happened, and hit the submit button. If the moderators already know what is going on, then please let them handle it. - If you are in immediate danger, call your [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_emergency_telephone_numbers|local emergency services]]. **2.**