====== Swatch Internet Time / .beat Time ====== #beatTime# ===== Introduction ===== Swatch time is a universal standard time for the entire internet! It lets you plan events or meetups with your friends from anywhere in the world and not have to worry about timezones or other annoyances! Its also hella hacker and very cool to use :^) It was originally invented by the Swatch Company in 1998 (Sorta since they copied it from a time format used in the French Revolution) although it did not gain much widespread popularity - however, it's used on MelonLand and many other web revival sites as a standard means of organisation and planning! ===== How does it work? ===== It divides the day into 1000 “**beats**”. Instead of using hours, minutes, and seconds to represent time, Swatch Internet Time uses a single decimal number ranging from 000 to 999. Each beat is equivalent to 1 minute and 26.4 seconds. Sometimes you'll also see some extra numbers like ".56" that are microbeats and are similar to seconds. Swatch time is usually preceded by an **@** symbol; this helps you know it's swatch time and not some random number! For example **@123** or **@542.69** 000 in Swatch time is the same as Midnight UTC+1; but because swatch time does not use timezones, midnight will be different for everyone. The goal of swatch time is not to provide the relative time you can use in your daily life; it's for worldwide events that all need to happen at the same time! ===== How can I use swatch time in my life? ===== Easy; just use swatch time when you are planning your events or meetups and get your friends to do the same! There are even some apps that can help you! **Swatch Time Apps for various platforms:** * All Apple devices, including Apple Watch - [[https://beattime.mulot.org/|BeatTime]] * Android Phones - [[https://f-droid.org/en/packages/eu.mirkodi.swatchbeatclock/index.html|Swatch .beat clock]], [[https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=xyz.poolp.swatchtime|Swatch Time]] * Pebble Smart Watches - [[https://apps.rebble.io/en_US/search/watchfaces/1?native=false&query=beat|See Beat apps]] * macOS Menubar - [[https://github.com/amiantos/dotbeat|dotbeat]] * GNOME Extension - [[https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/5946/swatch-clock/|Swatch Clock]] * Cinnamon Applet - [[https://cinnamon-spices.linuxmint.com/applets/view/310|Internet Time]] * Win 95/XP - [[https://web.archive.org/web/20081224143907/http://www.artefakt.com/projects/ibeat/|iBeat]], Works with Wine and OS's running Windows 7+ as well, not guaranteed to work in the year 2038 * Winamp & WaCUP - [[https://getwacup.com/plugins/big_clock/|Big Clock]], Comes bundled with every copy of WaCUP (and Winamp, I think?), Right click on the big clock, then click on .beat time * iPad - [[https://apps.apple.com/us/app/beat-internet-time/id1570173118|Beat: Internet time]] * Color - [[rgbeat|RGBeat]], changes color depending on what time it is, in beat; [[https://melonking.net/hidden/rgbeat|Melon]], [[https://unnick.mice.tel/rgbeat/|Unick]] ===== Other useful links! ===== * Swatch time [[https://forum.melonland.net/index.php?topic=1202.0|discussion thread]] on our forum! * The Swatch [[https://www.swatch.com/en-en/internet-time.html|intro video from 1998]] * Swatch Time History on [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swatch_Internet_Time|Wikipedia]] * Decimal Time on Wikipedia [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Decimal_time]] ---- ===== Code Snippets ===== You can also include a swatch clock on your website; here are some premade code snippets you can use! ==== JavaScript: ==== **JavaScript - Easy Option** Here is a premade JavaScript clock for your website! Just paste this code onto your page wherever you want your clock to be and it will work! @000 **JavaScript - Full Code** // Returns the current Swatch beat function GetSwatchTime(showDecimals = true) { // get date in UTC/GMT var date = new Date(); var hours = date.getUTCHours(); var minutes = date.getUTCMinutes(); var seconds = date.getUTCSeconds(); var milliseconds = date.getUTCMilliseconds(); // add hour to get time in Switzerland hours = hours == 23 ? 0 : hours + 1; // time in seconds var timeInMilliseconds = ((hours * 60 + minutes) * 60 + seconds) * 1000 + milliseconds; // there are 86.4 seconds in a beat var millisecondsInABeat = 86400; // calculate beats to two decimal places if (showDecimals) { return Math.abs(timeInMilliseconds / millisecondsInABeat).toFixed(2); } else { return Math.floor(Math.abs(timeInMilliseconds / millisecondsInABeat)); } } If you want it to display on your webpage and auto-update here is an example - first, we make a **span** with an id, this is where the clock will appear on your page - then we get that span in a script, make a function that fills it with the swatch time, and finally, we set it to reload every microbeat. ==== PHP: ==== PHP has native support for Swatch time, you can get the latest beat using this snippet: $swatchTime = date('B'); //000-999 However if you would like a full function that also shows microbeats, we have that too! // Returns the current Swatch beat function GetSwatchTime($showDecimals = true) { // Get time in UTC+1 (Do not Change!) $now = new DateTime("now", new DateTimeZone("UTC")); $now->add(new DateInterval("PT1H")); // Calculate the seconds since midnight e.g. time of day in seconds $midnight = clone $now; $midnight->setTime(0, 0); $seconds = $now->getTimestamp() - $midnight->getTimestamp(); // Swatch beats in seconds - DO NOT CHANGE $swatchBeatInSeconds = 86.4; // Calculate beats to two decimal places if ($showDecimals) { return number_format(round(abs($seconds / $swatchBeatInSeconds), 2), 2); } else { return floor(abs($seconds / $swatchBeatInSeconds)); } } ==== BASH: ==== (note that Etc timezones are inverted) Calculating Beat Time in bash is simple: MIDNIGHT=$( TZ='Etc/GMT-1' date -d "12:00 am" +%s ) BTIME=$(( (($EPOCHSECONDS - $midnight) * 1000) / 86400 )) echo @$BTIME However, you need to use an external program to calculate centibeats, since bash does not handle decimals well: (using dc, which is a rpn calculator) MIDNIGHT=$( TZ='Etc/GMT-1 date -d "12:00 am" +%s ) printf @ dc << EOF # setting precision 2 k # subtracting midnight from the current epoch $EPOCHREALTIME $MIDNIGHT - # converting to ms 1000 * # divide by seconds in a day 86400 / # print it to screen p EOF To display it on your screen permanently, you can use any program that uses piped input, but lemonbar is the easiest to use: while true do MIDNIGHT=$( TZ='Etc/GMT-1' date -d "12:00 am" +%s ) BTIME=$(( (($EPOCHSECONDS - $midnight) * 1000) / 86400 )) echo @$BTIME done | lemonbar -bg 48+0+18 # positions a little above the bottom left (you can replace the code between the do and done with the dc version too)