
There are two kinds of frames, iframes and frameset, this page is dedicated to frameset: for iframes head over here!

Notable frameset sites are and the spacejam website!

This is a short guide on how to use frameset to make a homepage:

A frameset is a cool way of splitting up a web page into different parts, called frames, that can show different HTML pages. A frameset can be handy for making a homepage that has a nice layout, like a menu, a header, or a footer, that stays the same when you click on different links.

Here is an example of a homepage that uses frameset to make a layout with a header, a menu, a main area, and a footer:

    <title>My Homepage</title>
  <frameset rows="10%,*" cols="150px,*">
    <frame src="logo.html" name="header">
    <frame src="header.html" name="header">
    <frame src="nav.html" name="nav">
    <frame src="home.html" name="main">

You might also want to install Melon's frame link fix - this is a small script that will allow you to share links to frames in the same way as a normal webpage - take a look at the thread below: See melon's frame link fix!