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Table of Contents
List of Controversial Topics in the Melonland Community
To Do.
- Drama involving YesterWeb,
- AI, mobile support, and accessibility
Most of the topics may not be for everyone, unfortunately. It is important to note that Melonland Wiki is not censored, just like Wikipedia. Scroll down at your own risk. This banner will be gone when I written some sort of disclaimer page.
This a list of controversial topics in the Melonland Community. Some are small complaints, Some are out-right disturbing. Some are Drama that melon, and/or the community was involved, list goes on.
Melonland Projects
MoMg Problematic GIFs
MoMG Gif Gallery is an e-gallery where each room displays a random set of gif images made in the 90s and 00s and collected from web archives. The collection represents the cultural standards of those eras and so contains images that were considered appropriate at that time, but may not be considered appropriate today. This includes cultural depictures, religious symbolism and characters that some visitors my find uncomfortable. The goal of the gallery is to present these images out of context, and so context cant be provided. However a report features is offered and taken seriously in some situations1).
PixelSea Problematic Graphics
In PixelSea, there are icons that are… graphics that are NSFW related, such as sex. It is odd that this was manually approved by Melon, and whats even odder, is that there isn't any notes about this.
in 32×32 Mode, there are some problematic graphics too, but this time, it actually warns the user that this collection isn't moderated, unlike the 32×32 Mode.
Lack of Chat in Ozwomp is online
There isn't an option to chat in Ozwomp Is Online, only the option to say “Greetings” and spawn a heart.
This is probably to save some time on moderation.
The Community
The forum closing on mondays
On January 15, Monday 2024, a new poll by Melooon, appeared in the forums; asking if on every monday the Melonland Forums should be closed2), this is partly to give everyone a break (especially moderators), but also to act as a reminder that it's not good to always be online and connected - it's good to step back and appreciate the time we have. If you send a message or make a post as the forum is closing the post won't be lost, it will be there when the forum reopens.3). This was met with mixed reactions. some users say its a bad idea, and some say its a good idea. Some say that it should be placed in Read-Only mode on every mondays. Regardless, the poll for “Yarrr” (Yes) has won, and thus, this feature has been implemented. When the forum closes, You will be unable to post anything, or read any posts. That being said, The user may still look at profiles, and still can access the everyone sites.