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momg [2024/10/16 04:10] GlitchyZoruamomg [2024/10/28 23:56] (current) – [Trivia] GlitchyZorua
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 ====== Trivia ====== ====== Trivia ======
 - The First Room is always the same 8 gifs! - The First Room is always the same 8 gifs!
 +====== Breaking the code ======
 +Forcefully go to the next room
 +You can also do this as well
 +Puts the graphic in a frame
 +{{ ::screenshot_2024-10-28_at_15-44-04_html_online_viewer.png?400|}}
 +<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="https://momg.neocities.org/frames.css" /><div class="picture-frame-1"><img src="https://momg.neocities.org/gifs/i-41399.gif" /></div>
 +Random name generator
 +<script src="https://momg.neocities.org/names.js" charset="utf-8"></script><script>alert(randomFullName());</script>
 +Audio Toggle
 +Sets the number of paintings in a room
 +g.settings.minRoomSize // 5
 +g.settings.maxRoomSize // 25
 +Optimizations for the back button.
 +Tells if song should be on or off.
 +g.global.playMusic // true
 +Outputs the total amount of gifs in the gallery