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Not to be confused with HexClock

RGBeat or Universal Day Colour is a special clock created by Melon, Inspired by the HexClock. (which was also inspired by GlitchyZorua), RGBeat is a mix of the HexClock and the Swatch time. . The background dipics with jail cells changing color depending what time it is in RGBeat. On front of that is a weird machine connected to two things, top display shows date & time, in rgbeat, utc, and swatch, which also shows a dolphin diving in the background. bottom display shows information about RGBeat. There is emo text scrolling that says “ANyThAIn CAN bE timE If u TRy HarD enOuGh! nOON is BAbY BlUE n sO r U XxX”, which translates into normal language: “Anythin' can be time if you try hard enough! Noon is baby blue and so are you.”.

This page can be found in The Universe

You can visit it here.

Like the Hexclock, Red is Hours, Green is Minutes and Blue is Seconds. Every RGBeat of the day is its own unique color. The only difference is that RGBeat has very bright colors, and RGBeat time always uses UTC. Basically, converts the day into 256 hours, each hour consisting of 256 minutes and each minute of 256 seconds.

Consequently, Due to the limits of the refresh rate and CPU speeds, It is currently not possible to display every color in real time.

Or is it?

There is a better, much faster version of the RGBeat clock, Created by unnick, Which you can see here.