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rss_guide [2023/06/07 13:06] drakonicrss_guide [2025/01/31 07:04] (current) – 1. Alphabetised the list. It's getting kinda long and I just thought this would look neater. Don't worry about keeping it up. 2. Removed a heading "* **Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Instagram, LinkedIn, Medium - Unfortunately, these social media garystu
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 {{:rss-pirate.png?nolink&100|}} {{:rss-pirate.png?nolink&100|}}
-"Arrrrrrr, Im Captain of the R.S.S. Feed! Avast! Join me on my crew as we sail the bity seas and surf the news of the world!!"+//"Arrrrrrr, Im Captain of the R.S.S. Feed! Avast! Join me on my crew as we sail the bity seas and surf the news of the world!!"//
 RSS (Really Simple Syndication), also know as a "feed" and "Atom" (A newer version of RSS) is a technology that lets you read and follow news, blogs and journals from websites you love; without needing any accounts (Its also used for audio Podcasts, but this guide is focussed on text feeds). This guide is aimed at supplying you with some basic info to get started with RSS! RSS (Really Simple Syndication), also know as a "feed" and "Atom" (A newer version of RSS) is a technology that lets you read and follow news, blogs and journals from websites you love; without needing any accounts (Its also used for audio Podcasts, but this guide is focussed on text feeds). This guide is aimed at supplying you with some basic info to get started with RSS!
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 To get started reading feeds you'll need a program that can collect and display your feeds; some great options are: To get started reading feeds you'll need a program that can collect and display your feeds; some great options are:
-  * For Mac + iOS - [[https://netnewswire.com/|NetNewsWire]] - OpenSource +  * For Mac + iOS - [[https://netnewswire.com/|NetNewsWire]] - Open Source 
-  * For Windows + Linux - [[https://quiterss.org/|QuietRSS]] - OpenSource+  * For Windows + Linux - [[https://quiterss.org/|QuietRSS]] - Open Source
   * The [[https://blog.thunderbird.net/2022/05/thunderbird-rss-feeds-guide-favorite-content-to-the-inbox/|Thunderbird]] E-Mail Client and the [[https://vivaldi.com/|Vivaldi]] Web Browser also have built in feed readers, so you may already have one!   * The [[https://blog.thunderbird.net/2022/05/thunderbird-rss-feeds-guide-favorite-content-to-the-inbox/|Thunderbird]] E-Mail Client and the [[https://vivaldi.com/|Vivaldi]] Web Browser also have built in feed readers, so you may already have one!
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   * [[statuscafe|Status Cafe]] all status updates - https://status.cafe/feed.atom   * [[statuscafe|Status Cafe]] all status updates - https://status.cafe/feed.atom
   * [[neon_kiosk|Neon Kiosk]] (random updates from random web revival sites) - https://journal.miso.town/atom?url=https://kiosk.nightfall.city   * [[neon_kiosk|Neon Kiosk]] (random updates from random web revival sites) - https://journal.miso.town/atom?url=https://kiosk.nightfall.city
 +  * [[iMood]] - https://www.imood.com/users/{username}.atom
 === Personal Feeds === === Personal Feeds ===
   * Melon's Homepage News (Key melon updates!) - https://brain.melonking.net/rss   * Melon's Homepage News (Key melon updates!) - https://brain.melonking.net/rss
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   * New York Times (but you still need to pay a subscription to read on their site): https://www.nytimes.com/rss   * New York Times (but you still need to pay a subscription to read on their site): https://www.nytimes.com/rss
   * TheVerge for tech news: https://www.theverge.com/2012/1/25/2732963/verge-rss-feeds   * TheVerge for tech news: https://www.theverge.com/2012/1/25/2732963/verge-rss-feeds
 +  * Newgrounds - https://www.newgrounds.com/wiki/help-information/rss
 +  * KamTape - https://www.kamtape.com/rss/global/recently_added.rss
 === Direct Feeds: === === Direct Feeds: ===
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 ==== Tips for finding feeds: ==== ==== Tips for finding feeds: ====
 +<WRAP center round todo 60%>
 +ToDo: Look through [[https://forum.spacehey.com/topic?id=90895|here]] to see if any thing has RSS Support. 
-{{:rss-logo.png?nolink&20 |}} <- This is the RSS icon! If you see it on a website, click it to get their feed!+{{:rss-logo.png?20&nolink }} <- This is the RSS icon! If you see it on a website, click it to get their feed!
 +  * **BlueSky** - Bluesky supports RSS feeds, but doesn't show them openly. You can use your browser's Inspect Element function to find the feed within the <head> tags of any Bluesky account page. They can also be detected by any automatic RSS Feed detection tools, which most feed readers have built-in.
 +  * **Deviantart** - Get notified when any Deviantart user uploads a new image to their gallery with [[https://backend.deviantart.com/rss.xml?q=gallery:{USERNAME}]] . Source, with more info: [[https://github.com/aai210/DeviantArt-RSS]]
 +  * **Discourse** - Independent forums powered by the Discourse forum software all offer many RSS feed options. To follow a single topic, add .rss to the end of the topic url. Read about more feeds here: [[https://meta.discourse.org/t/finding-discourse-rss-feeds/264134]]
   * **Dreamwidth.org journals** - you can get a feed on any dreamwith journal with: [[https://{NAME}.dreamwidth.org/data/atom]]   * **Dreamwidth.org journals** - you can get a feed on any dreamwith journal with: [[https://{NAME}.dreamwidth.org/data/atom]]
-  * **WordPress** - with any WordPress blog you can use [[https://{BLOG URL}/feed]] to get an RSS feed. +  * **Flickr** - https://www.flickr.com/services/feeds/photos_public.gne?id={USER-ID}&lang=en-us&format=atom 
-  * **SmartGB** - many guestbooks of your friends have feeds, follow them to see who's loved?+  * **GitHub** - Follow last repo commits with [[https://github.com/{OWNER}/{REPO_NAME}/commits.atom]], releases with [[https://github.com/{OWNER}/{REPO_NAME}/releases.atom]] and user activity from [[https://github.com/{USERNAME}.atom]] 
-  * **YouTube** - follow youtube channels via RSS [[https://www.youtube.com/feeds/videos.xml?channel_id={CHANNEL ID}]]+  * **Kill The Newsletter** - A free service to turn email newsletters into RSS Feeds. https://kill-the-newsletter.com
   * **Mastodon** - Get a mastodon profile feed with [[https://{SERVER URL}/users/{USERNAME}.rss]] OR [[https://{SERVER URL}/@{USERNAME}/with_replies.rss]] to see replies too!   * **Mastodon** - Get a mastodon profile feed with [[https://{SERVER URL}/users/{USERNAME}.rss]] OR [[https://{SERVER URL}/@{USERNAME}/with_replies.rss]] to see replies too!
-    * Note: This usually also works with most other Fediverse software.+  * Note: This usually also works with most other Fediverse software. 
 +  * **Medium** - [[https://{NAME}.medium.com/feed]]. More info: [[https://help.medium.com/hc/en-us/articles/214874118-Using-RSS-feeds-of-profiles-publications-and-topics]] 
 +  * **Neocities** - Follow updates to any neocities site by adding .rss to the end of the url of their profile using [[https://neocities.org/site/{USERNAME}.rss]]. 
 +  * **RSS Bridge** - Web software which generates RSS and Atom feeds for websites that don't have one, or enhances the feeds of websites which do already have feeds. You can self-host, or use a public instance. Find all information here. https://rss-bridge.org 
 +  * **Reddit** - Follow any subreddit or user by adding an .rss to the end of the name like [[https://www.reddit.com/r/{SUBREDDIT_NAME}.rss]] or [[https://www.reddit.com/u/{USERNAME}.rss]] 
 +  * **SmartGB** - On top of every guestbook, there is a link to RSS (below the name of the guestbook) 
 +  * **SpaceHey** - https://rss.spacehey.com/ 
 +  * **Tiktok (via Proxitok)** - TikTok does not offer RSS feeds. Alternative Tiktok frontend Proxitok does, however. You can self-host, or use a public instance. The Github page contains all information and is here: https://github.com/pablouser1/ProxiTok/
   * **Tumblr** - With any Tumblr blog you can use [[https://{BLOG URL}.tumblr.com/rss]] NOTE: If blog is set to be only viewed on the dashboard you can still get RSS feeds. To get an RSS feed from blogs set to that. URL example of blogs set to dashboard view: [[https://www.tumblr.com/{BLOG USERNAME}]]. Copy the username and format the URL like this: [[https://{BLOG USERNAME}.tumblr.com/rss]] and it will work.   * **Tumblr** - With any Tumblr blog you can use [[https://{BLOG URL}.tumblr.com/rss]] NOTE: If blog is set to be only viewed on the dashboard you can still get RSS feeds. To get an RSS feed from blogs set to that. URL example of blogs set to dashboard view: [[https://www.tumblr.com/{BLOG USERNAME}]]. Copy the username and format the URL like this: [[https://{BLOG USERNAME}.tumblr.com/rss]] and it will work.
-  * **Reddit** - Follow any subreddit or user by adding an .rss to the end of the name like [[https://www.reddit.com/r/{SUBREDDIT_NAME}.rss]] or [[https://www.reddit.com/u/{USERNAME}.rss]] +  * **Wikipedia** - On any page, click "View History" then under "Tools", Click on "Atom" (if you are using the vector layout, it should have the RSS symbol next to it). Or you can use [[https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title={ARTICLE_TITLE}&feed=atom&action=history]] to get an RSS feed 
-  * **GitHub** - Follow last repo commits with [[https://github.com/{OWNER}/{REPO_NAME}/commits.atom]], releases with [[https://github.com/{OWNER}/{REPO_NAME}/releases.atom]] and user activity from [[https://github.com/{USERNAME}.atom]] +  * **WordPress** - with any WordPress blog you can use [[https://{BLOG URL}/feed]] to get an RSS feed. 
- +  * **YouTube** - Follow Youtube channels via RSS [[https://www.youtube.com/feeds/videos.xml?channel_id={CHANNEL ID}]]
----- +
 ===== Making Your Own Feed ===== ===== Making Your Own Feed =====