BBCode Cheatsheet

BBCode is a markup language that allows users to format text in online forums, blogs, and other websites. BBCode uses tags enclosed in square brackets to indicate how the text should be displayed. For example, [b]bold[/b] will make the text bold.

Here are some common BBCode tags and their usage:

Tag Usage Example Output
[b]…[/b] Makes the text bold [b]Hello[/b] Hello
[i]…[/i] Makes the text italic [i]Hello[/i] Hello
[u]…[/u] Underlines the text [u]Hello[/u] Hello
[s]…[/s] Strikes through the text [s]Hello[/s] Hello
[color=…]…[/color] Changes the color of the text [color=red]Hello[/color] Hello
[size=…]…[/size] Changes the size of the text [size=20]Hello[/size] Hello
[font=…]…[/font] Changes the font of the text [font=Arial]Hello[/font] Hello
[url]…[/url] Creates a hyperlink [url] [/url]
[url=…]…[/url] Creates a hyperlink with custom text [url=]MelonLand [/url] MelonLand
[img]…[/img] Inserts an image [img] [/img] (image)
[quote]…[/quote] Creates a quote box [quote]Hello[/quote] (quote)
[quote=…]…[/quote] Creates a quote box with the author's name [quote=Molly]Hello[/quote] (quote by Molly)
[code]…[/code] Creates a code box [code]Hello[/code] (code)
[list]…[/list] Creates an unordered list [list][*]Item 1[*]Item 2[/list] (list)
[list type=decimal]…[/list] Creates an ordered list [list type=decimal][li]Item 1[/li][/list] (list)
[list type=lower-alpha]…[/list] Creates an ordered list with letters [list type=lower-alpha][li]Item 1[/li][/list] (list)
[list type=lower-roman]…[/list] Creates an ordered list with roman numerals [list type=lower-roman][li]Item 1[/li][/list] (list)
[li]…[/li] Creates a list item See above See above
[center]…[/center] Centers the text [center]Hello[/center] Hello
[left]…[/left] Aligns the text to the left [left]Hello[/left] Hello
[right]…[/right] Aligns the text to the right [right]Hello[/right] Hello
[spoiler]…[/spoiler] Hides the text until clicked [spoiler]Hello[/spoiler] (hidden)
[spoiler=…]…[/spoiler] Hides the text until clicked with a custom title [spoiler=Facts]Hello[/spoiler] (hidden)
[marquee]…[/marquee] Animated text to move [marquee]Hello[/marquee] (Animated Hello)
[blink]…[/blink] Animated text to flash [blink]Hello[/blink] (Animated Hello)
[spin]…[/spin] Animated text to spin [spin]Hello[/spin] (Animated Hello)
[webgarden]…[/webgarden] Allows you to embed a webgarden [webgarden] [/webgarden] (webgarden)

Additionally see the BBCode reference guide for SimpleMachies Forums for more obscure tags