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monster_interview [2024/10/20 00:39] – [Trivia] GlitchyZoruamonster_interview [2024/10/20 00:39] (current) – [Trivia] GlitchyZorua
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 ====== Trivia ====== ====== Trivia ======
 - If you look closely in the background, you can see melons first proper laptop; and still has (and wears) that jumper.[("You can see my first proper laptop in the background! And I still have (and wear) that wooly jumper!" - Melon)] - If you look closely in the background, you can see melons first proper laptop; and still has (and wears) that jumper.[("You can see my first proper laptop in the background! And I still have (and wear) that wooly jumper!" - Melon)]
 - Unlike other movies floating around The Universe, this one has a proper name! (As opposed to Movie 1, Movie 2, and Movie 3) - Unlike other movies floating around The Universe, this one has a proper name! (As opposed to Movie 1, Movie 2, and Movie 3)