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Monster Interview, a video found floating around in Melon's Universe. It can be viewed here

This video was filmed in 2008, and the project was abandoned for unknown reasons1).


Start of transcript

Pirik2): OK.

What is this “monster” that you've been chasing?

And what do you plan to do if you find this monster?

Melon3): Well you see, If I find the monster I'm gonna really stab em up like this, see this is a model we got.

It's an old lion model you see.

1) “It was filmed around 2008 for a film we never finished ~ its actualy from the same tape the origonal melon footage is from.” - Melon
2) The person interviewing me does actualy have a forum account, but I dont think he's ever used it:;u=1242
3) “Well the person in the video is me ” - Melon

monster_interview.1726427227.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/09/15 21:07 by GlitchyZorua
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