Ozwomp is a crocodile doughnut, he wears a traditional cone hat often worn by the followers of “the paste” a mystical and undefined substance; it's sorta a wizards hat. Ozwomp does not speak and it's not known if he can; he likes to gasp in awe at the wonder of existence though and find everything every exciting all the time; while most of the creatures of the Ozway are often grumpy, Ozwomp never is. He is a doughtnut shape because that is the shape of the universe; Ozwomp is always whole but always empty; incomplete but perfect.
(yes, i really just copied and pasted it from here, Don't worry, i'll rewrite it soon.)
Ozwomp is located in its own universe, Ozwomp's Universe. However, according melon, Ozwomp's Universe isn't a place, (and i quote) “it’s the place between places, it exists in the dark matter that is all around us. It’s always expanding and so there’s always new places to explore! It has no time, everything that exists always existed, even if it only just appeared. it’s where your memories live when you forget them, it’s where dreams and made and destroyed every night. It’s your first kiss and your last day on earth. It’s every time that isn’t now and everywhere you’ve never been”1)
It is believed that ozwomp is there to guide you there to home if you are lost or simply need to be there to help you explorer that strange place.
Whatever the case is, Ozwomp is there for you.
Ozwomp is seen as an emoji in the forums, melons pfp in the forums, even seen in melons games.