This is an old revision of the document!
Table of Contents
Surf Club!
Greetings chum, this is an info page for the Surf Club (aka MelonLand Surf Club)! The surf club is a webring that is designed to promote and help people find the homepages of MelonLand Forum members!
The page depicts a blue and white tamanotchi-like gradient, displays info on the top, along with a widget that you can place, which is shown on the top right, on the bottom is tiles, containing links to the pages in the Web Ring.
Song Name playing in the background is 8-bit remix of the song Beach Boys - Be True To Your School
Joining the Webring
Joining the webring is really easy!
- Make an account and login to the MelonLand Forum
- Select your Profile and go to the “Forum Profile” modification tab.
- Scroll down to the “Website URL” and “Website Title” text input fields!
- Enter your homepages URL and Title, then click the “Change Profile” button!
- Done! Your homepage should appear in the webring within 2 hours.
- Q: How is the webring members list sorted?
- A: Its sorted by forum activity, so visiting the forum will move you up the list!
- Q: How often is the webring page updated?
- A: Its updated automatically every 2 hours!
- Q: Do I need to display the webring widget on my site?
- A: Nope, the widget is optional, but hella cool if you do use it!
- Q: Can I use the forum but opt-out of the webring?
- A: Sure! Just don't include your homepage on your profile (you can still put it in your signature)
- Q: My site is not showing up in the webring list!! :(
- A: Make sure your URL is correct and your site does not have errors!
- Q: My site is not displaying its colours/background correctly on the webring list?
- A: The list tries to get your <body> background-color, background-image and your <p> or <a> color - set those to modify your style!
- Q: How do I get a cool site description on the list??
- A: Easy, just set a description meta tag in the head of your index.html!
Modifying the Widget & Making your own!
You can resize the widget by changing the width and height values included in the widget code (by default its 100x100px). You can also supply your own colour code in the url (or use the colour picker) to change the widgets colour (or by going on to the main page, and clicking on this button (1), Set your desired color (2), then click OK (3)! Once you done that, copy the code and paste it in your site. Enjoy.
You can make your own webring widget if you like, its VERY simple; you can make it anyway you like just include these two links:
- The Surf Club Page -
- The Random Site button -
Site Rules and Moderation
Melon does his best to make sure all the sites in the webring are safe and good; however homepages are the personal spaces of the individuals who created them, so they may express personal views that you (or melon) dont agree with!
The surf club is aimed at creative personal homepages rather than self promotion; with that in mind, social media accounts and link lists wont be included.
Sites that don't loosely fit the MelonLand rules may be removed; if you see a site that contains hurtful material or is totally broken. Please report it to !